23.2 C
Medina del Campo
sábado, julio 27, 2024

Accede a la edición impresa de La VOZ

El Centro de Personas Mayores «Mayorazgo de Montalvo» acoge desde ayer un mercadillo solidario


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Redacción.- El Centro de Personas Mayores «Mayorazgo de Montalvo», situado en la calle San Mart?n de la villa medinense, acoge desde ayer, y hasta el día de hoy, un mercadillo solidario.

Los beneficios económicos recaudados ser?n destinados a Adisme.


  1. Effectively like Mommy mentioned, after we love one
    another and love the world that Jesus died for, that?s a type
    of worship. After we think about God and listen to the sermon or in Sunday
    School, that?s a way of worshipping as a result of were learning how nice God is and He likes that.
    Or after we sit around and inform each other what the greatest
    things about God are. You understand how much you want hearing people say how smart or cute you boys are?
    Properly God likes after we talk collectively about how great he is.?
    Daddy answered.

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